Well an interesting selection of products today. Debuting we have Laundry powder! Surf Laundry Detergent 12 Pack for $34.99 marks a new era for 1-day. they started with sporting goods only, moved to food and now household items. This no doubt ties in with their supermarket advertising (have you seen the 1-day ads on the back of your supermarket docket?) I say well done, itll definitely extend the reach of 1-day from that of just men and sports minded people.
TDK Tremor Multimedia speakers for $34.99. I'm still trying to work out exactly what these are. Are they for iPod, computer or your stereo? I can't check the listing as it has sold out. I suppose it dosen't matter these days speakers are pretty universal and can be used by a number of devices.
Last up we have Aussie Bodies Protein Drink 24 pack. An okay price. These types of health products cost so much money, its a profitable business. But the Brand "Aussie Bodies" NZers won't like that - even though it is the most popular nutrition compnay in NZ! I really hate the name! But people seem to like it as it has sold out anyway.
Tom Tom USB Homes Charger works with One V3 / One XL and Go 720. I'm not too sure exactly what this means but to me it looks like a USB Charger whihc you plug into the wall and then you can charge your ipod or whatever without your computer. I can't comment much more than that!
1 Day Sale Review