Yes I know its been a while since the last update but for whatever reason this site is proving pretty popular! So I thought I'd at least do another day's update to see where 1-day is at lately.
As it happens one of the staff at 1-day stumbled across our site and sent us an email to congratulate us, which is great.
Gasmate LPG Camp Starter Kit $89.95
These are like a mini kitchen for when you are camping! The set contains a Gas barbecue and a telescopic lantern pole.
Surf Liquid Detergent 12 pack $19.99
This washing powder product has featured on 1-day previously. A little boring for 1-day but I suppose everyone needs to do the washing!
Jockey Mens Boxers Briefs 2-Pack $19.99
Underwear is a classic gift for Dad. I even think my father used to own this exact style. Not an ultra cheap price but still a reasonable deal.
One thing I have noticed in our absense is the number of customers comments on each ad. For instance the Gas barbecue above has 56 comments. Perhaps its just Christmaas and therefore more busy on 1-day.
M2 Womans Magazine Subscription $24.95
Wow M2 have brought out a Womans magazine. I met one of the Advertising executives a few years ago at M2 Men magazine. They were just getting started and its good to see they are going stronger than ever. Quarterly magazine tho. And No where on the ad has dealaday written the length of subscription. We assume its a year subscription for 4 issues. The Free Clarins Mascara is a nice touch and worth more than the actual magazine! nice work with this one Dealaday
1 Day Sale Review