
Computer items on offer from 1-day today. Iomega 160 GB Portable Hard Drive for $139.99. Seems a good price for this size drive. Iomega is a relatively well know brand. WE recommend having one of these unit to back up your important files and your music. Recently a friend had their house burgled and lost so much music its not funny! The trick is to either backup and hide this unit, or better still keep it at a friends place!
Logitech Audio Hub. We didn't get much of a chance to fully check this product out but we believe its an ipod speaker style unit. We'll leave it at that until it appears again on the site.
Logitech again with Bluetooth headphones. $99.99 we wouldn't sepnd that sort of money but I'm sure it will appeal to a niche audience. The $199.99 price tag is a joke. I don't think anyone would spend that amount of money of any sort of headphones.

1 Day Sale Review