We're all very familiar with 1days 'crap' sales, but this month sees an interesting twist to the crap format - several days of crap!
1day are calling it Crapathon! From the 23 - 27 August there will be 3 deals that change every 20 minutes. Over 4 days that works out to hundreds of deals. In fact 864 different deals to be exact. Now that takes some planning!
Now of course some deals will repeat over that time but what a great way for 1day to clear out all their crap. Deals don't sell out everyday so its the best way to get rid of a few leftover items from each deal.
1day also are at a disadvantage nornally because they only offer 3 deals each day. All their website traffic views is 3 deals, and we can obviously see that 1day can offer way more than that. But again the beauty of 1day is thats its only 3 deals, not a normal e-commerce shopping site.

An interesting difference, is that as well as the crap sale, 1day are still offering their normal 3 deals a day. The Crapathon sale dosen't display on the homepage, you have to click thru to a special area.
So there's still time, check out the crapathon sale at: