Back in March GrabOne did some consolidation and reduced the number of sites. They combine GrabOne Home, Grab One Families and Grab One Tee all into one site: GrabOne Store. Checking out the site is no longer. The page forwards to GrabOne Store, as do the old grab one home and families domain names.
So it seems that GrabOneTee is no more. Mr Vintage (the supplier of the daily t-shirt designs) seems to be selling a daily t-shirt deal, so it appears Mr Vintage and GrabOne have parted ways.
It's possible that with t-shirts at $25, the profits just weren't there. Out of that you have shirt cost, printing cost, design cost, wages, with little left over for a profit share between the two companies. It also costs a lot to maintain, and market each website you own.
By running the odd deal through GrabOneStore, GrabOne can better make use of their marketing budget. We'll still see Mr Vintage Tees on GrabOneStore although they aren't likely to be a daily thing. Mr Vintage seems to have taken the reins back on the t-shirt side running a daily t-shirt deal on their website
The GrabOneTee/MrVintage partnership saw a new t-shirt design most days. The logistics and retooling involved in creating, printing and despatching a new design this frequently must be a challenge. This is no doubt the reason that they were the only 'outfit' able to pull it off for this long.
You really need to be a t-shirt printing company that does t-shirts everyday, not just as a side business. Case in point 1daytee. is still going strong today but they started life differently. They started doing fresh designs daily. They even ran competitions for customers to vote on the best designs for them to print.
But after some time 1day must have realised the profits weren't worth it. They gave up doing a new design each day and reverted back to what they are good at. Importing well know products. So they still to this day, offer a daily "brand name " tshirt deal. Good, well known brands that will definitely sell. They simply order in printed, brand t-shirts. No printing and design hassles on their part.
In terms of daily deal t-shirts going forward....there is only and now. In tribute to GrabOne Tee, here is a great vid showing GrabOneTee printing 5000 t-shirts in one day. They bettered this by selling about 11,000 the following day I believe. The shirts were $5 each and were of the GrabOne logo in the shape of New Zealand.